Corporate Pass Singapore : This article will tell you more about Corporate Pass usage in Singapore and what typical transactions you would need the Corpass for in Singapore.
Bill Gates has said that:
“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”
Singapore Prime Minister launched the Smart National Initiative in 2014 and declared that Singapore was to transform itself into a Smart Nation. This kicked off Singapore’s smart nation initiative where Singapore aimed to be like Estonia where many e-government services were launched. In 2017, the Singapore government launched Govtech to create a backbone of data and digital solutions that both public sector statutory boards and private sector companies could build solutions on.
At the start of its transformation journey, each government agency starting launch digital solutions for both individuals and businesses to access its services online. The starting point of every website is the login page.

Singapore started out with the Singpass initiative in March 2003 where today is allows users to connect with over 60 government agencies quickly and safely.
Later with more and more corporate services being rolled out by Singapore government agencies, the Singapore government rolled out CorpPass on 1 September 2018 for all businesses and other entities (such as non-organisations and associations) for G2B transactions from 1 September 2018.
For the general Singapore Company, when will I need to use Corp Pass?
At the point of incorporation or when doing ongoing filing with ACRA, you would need to register a Corp Pass.
For SLA applications involving land, you would need to register a Corp Pass.
When registering and filing your annual income tax you would need to register a Corporate Pass Singapore (Corp Pass).
Finally, we leave you with a quote from PM Lee who when speaking at the Group of 20 (G-20 Summit) said on 9 July 2017, that:
“Countries need to have the right mindset towards technological advancements and be ready to embrace changes, to help their people realise the full benefits of digitalization.”
To register a Corpass (Corporate Pass Singapore), you need to have a Singpass registered first in Singapore and be present in Singapore to register a Singpass. Do speak to a registered filing agent if you wish to know more about Corpass or Singpass registration in Singapore.
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Raffles CPA is a leading global professional services firm headquartered in Singapore that serves global clients.

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